

Today was very very hectic, and I'm feeling like dying. I'm very tired and make time for this blog post.

recently, i was wondering why people can be so late in their lives. when they make meetings, when they attend classes, when they make promises, even.. when they reply the Line messengers. Im a kind of person that will pour my blood for the sake of being on time, if i say an exact time i would mean it like i will make it and nothing is going to happen. even, as simple as replying in 'ASAP'.

i just don't get, why people can be so cruel for making other people to wait. like they don't know how we make time for them and how we passed and we have been through to be here with them. i live in a family who can make everything up into very fast, they move very fast, work fast, think fast, and get upset so fast too. so, they built them to be what they shown me.

and my distance from home to campus for A meeting is 20KM (which is 1 hour in a good traffic), and can be there on time. and i don't get why people who live near campus or at a flat, can be so late even more than 5 mins. i would wake up 2 hours before them and still be the first who get there? very logically accepted. if someone said that i have my mom who wakes me up, talk to my mom who will be at office at 5 am.

im kind of person who will have her own per hour schedule, so if someone ruins it for me so i should make them all up. i make my everyday very very busy and hectic till i can even catch something that isn't my plan. and i made the schedule for about weeks ago, so yea.. you know how mean you are if you ruin that kind of plan. if your plan was about to make me wait for about 2 hours, you should tell me earlier so i can multitask my attendance there. be clear with me, please.

people, please..
someone is making time for you, and they missed something greater for you. don't make them wait for the sake of your own business or even your own unacceptable reasons. we don't want to make you wait, because we don't want to wait either.

be fast, maybe your last train is here.


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