Twentieth times!
Turned 20 this year on the mid of Jan but Im busy packing and holding farewell for my leave. I said so many times that Im not sad of leaving. but in this last days. its so hard. its so hard to leave another place I called home for the last 5 months. its so hard to leave people I call 'nearest family and friends' for the last 5 months. I couldn't hold the tears when I leave them. because we know we may not be able to see each other again later or forever. because maybe its the last time. maybe we would over after the memories we made here. How it feels to turn age in somebody's place, you ask? Grateful. because now I realised this is also my place. I have been lived here. been eating and drinking from its land. been paid its tax. been missing the ambiance. and been loved with the people. being far away told me really lots even tons of things that I could not even elaborate. but it made me who I am today. I really believe something has changed inside. at l...