never get bored to thank my God.

umm first of all. im gonna say thank you-thank you-thank you to my parent as a hand of god to send me a good life.. im gonna say to god, that im grateful. im gonna prove to god that im happy enough to live this long. and more.. This month was blessing. yes, i know every month should be blessed. but this month is bless-er. hahahaha i, Gratefully, say to god. that im Happy for him because he sent me the most blessed parent in this whole world. i thank him for that. my parent. parent Of me. parent of not-so-smart child named Theofani Avesena. you guys facilitate me as long as you can. you guys did :") first of my journey as a reader.. no one can push me as hard as you guys can. but you guys the only parent that buy me a lot of books. so i thank you for that. first of my journey as a teenager.. no one can yell at me as annoying as you guys did. but you guys the only parent that buy me a Blackberry for keeping me close to you-you guys wish- no one can buys me...