
Showing posts from July 8, 2012

Waiter for A Wait List

Emm, Good Night, 'vrybodeh. before i write this post down, i watched 3 movies in 2 nights.  Hachiko, My Sister Keeper, and Social Networking. these three movies are teach me 1 thing, 'i just have to do what i want to do'. 2 of 'em just makes me cry, huhuhu..   ya because the girl who tries to keep her own body and her mom who tries to keep her own sister, just success made my night so full in tears. and hachiko, oh God! i dare you to not cryin' on when you watch this movie! the dog that will always been there, will always on its spot, will always waiting, will always patient. the top of my tears is when a guy told him that 'he's never come back' then he said the dog just should does what it should to does. you know, the feeling when you want to go back, to move on. but your heart doesnt want to? that feeling is so sucks!  dont try that at home xD the last is Social Networking, Mark Zukcerburg, My Hero, the Superior. just made the world staring at h...

This nighty Night

this night. 23:20 pas gue lagi ngetik blog ini.. sebelum jam 23:20 gue banyak banget denger kabar menegangkan, membigungkan.. entah harus bersikap seperti apa.. pertama, gue tau kalo gue diomongin sama 'temen' yang ngaku banget jadi temen.. i know what she means to be. but she hurted me already. gue cuma gatau bisa ngikutin bercandanya dia atau nggak. gue pengen nangis. when 'my wall' to stands to, is goes away. what do i stand for? kedua, tau kalo salah satu teman terbaik di sekolah bakal pindah.. itu juga gue taunya dari twitter dia. oh my god on this lovey nighty sleepy coldy night why should i think this hard :( you guys know how it was feel. on the night, we just want to hug our bed. ketika kita dipaksa untuk mengerti perasaan sesulit ini, bahkan perasaan kita sendiri.. itu luar biasa lelah. bahkan gak bisa digunakan untuk menangis.. gak tau sih. gue cuma ngerasa kalo malem ini, malem senin.. gue ditumpukin banyak banget realita aneh.. gue ngerasa gak...