Ketujuh Belas (#17)

Hai, And finally im official seventeen And I had a very very seventeen Im happy with this January and will always be happy through this year. Let me tell ya the story behind this great seventeen. January 14 th , on the cold night, he came over. He travelled miles away for my birthday and gave a cute birthday cake with 17 numbered candle on that. On the same night, I heard about my best friend got an accident. Oh god, could you please just hold that news for a while, just let my sweet seventeen will be the best seventeen ever? On that date, on that night a wish I can blow is: I want to be happy. At least for this January 15 th . if people cant make me happy, I will make myself happy. With that happy wish im going happily to January 15 th . I make my own surprise, I beg for greeting from people, I beg for being remembered, I beg for being loved and being wished. And there they are, I got surprise for my own cake, my own scenario and my own efforts. Am I happy? O...