Perks of Being Loved by ye bestfriend

Eh halo!
I dont know this is the advantage or disanvantage..
Your body shape is round but you have a happy life this far. In case, you dont have to change anything and ur bestfriend will still love you this way. That decrease your will to be better, no?
In my case, i dont know. Im just feeling blessed with what i have right now. My family, my bestfriend, my life.
This world is like conspiring to love me this way.
This fat-ugly face and body.
This stupid idea about life.
This un-ruled imagination about future.
This passion to eat.
I just dont know why i found them who love me this deep.
But seriously, im just feeling too loved thats why im comfort being the ugly me.
And after all, dont try to figure out how happy i am right know. Because trust me you have no idea about that.
Like at all.


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