Ketujuh Belas (#17)

And finally im official seventeen
And I had a very very seventeen
Im happy with this January and will always be happy through this year.

Let me tell ya the story behind this great seventeen.
January 14th , on the cold night, he came over. He travelled miles away for my birthday and gave a cute birthday cake with 17 numbered candle on that.
On the same night, I heard about my best friend got an accident. Oh god, could you please just hold that news for a while, just let my sweet seventeen will be the best seventeen ever?
On that date, on that night a wish I can blow is: I want to be happy. At least for this January 15th . if people cant make me happy, I will make myself happy.

With that happy wish im going happily to January 15th .
I make my own surprise, I beg for greeting from people, I beg for being remembered, I beg for being loved and being wished.
And there they are, I got surprise for my own cake, my own scenario and my own efforts. Am I happy? OFCOURSE I DO!
 and we’re going to the night.

We’re going to visit our ill friend at the hospital, and yes still on the same date with my birthday.
Firstly, Dilla asks me to wait her -which is sooooo long- at KFC. And I agreed. Long time no one is coming, for about one hour.  So I cried and went home.
At parking lot she called me and said she’s at our ill friend’s house. So I directly asked her why should be there and she made a lot of reasons.

So I rode my motorcycle to his house, and found HE IS FINELY LAUGH. What I can do is just turning back and going home. But they asked me to stay, so I AM.
And they told me the whole behind the scene and all the plan. Am I happy? Yes I am. Im happy having them.  So happy. They told me that they wanted to make an unforgettable seventeen. And they succeed.

A lot of wishes came to me till this blog was posted. And I thank you for that.
I thank you for everyone, for the loved one.
I thank you.
And all my wish is already taken as your wishes, guys.
Im  happy.
And cant be more happier than this.

This is will be my big year, because in this year I had my seventeen. I’ll graduate soon from high school, I’ll have my mature license from the govern, and etc.

I do love myself to the absolute fullest.
I love people around me.
I love my family
I love him
I love my Abing
I love my best-friends at school.
I love I love I love everything that god gave me.
I thank Him for this seventeen times of January 15th of me.

Ya Allah, I know that you are there. Don’t move early, hold me for more longer.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
Let me connected always with ya.
Help me through this year and save me.



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