never get bored to thank my God.

umm first of all.
im gonna say thank you-thank you-thank you to my parent as a hand of god to send me a good life..
im gonna say to god, that im grateful.
im gonna prove to god that im happy enough to live this long.
and more..

This month was blessing.
yes, i know every month should be blessed. but this month is bless-er.
i, Gratefully, say to god.
that im Happy for him because he sent me the most blessed parent in this whole world.
i thank him for that.

my parent.
parent Of me.
parent of not-so-smart child named Theofani Avesena.
you guys facilitate me as long as you can. you guys did :")

first of my journey as a reader..
no one can push me as hard as you guys can.
but you  guys the only parent that buy me a lot of books.
so i thank you for that.

first of my journey as a teenager..
no one can yell at me as annoying as you guys did.
but you guys the only parent that buy me a Blackberry for keeping me close to you-you guys wish-
no one can buys me a blackberry, even a bad one. no one, but you guys buy me a good one.
so i thank you for that.

first of my journey as writer-wannabe
no one can support as uncare as you can..
but you guys the only parent that saving your money for buying this laptop.
to keep my spirit for being a writer.
to make this house warmer.
so? i thank you guys again for that.

first of my journey as a social media freak.
no one can mad at me as evil as you can.
but you guys still there, and said "yang penting kamu nggak ketinggalan sama temen temen kamu"it means "the important thing is you're not left behind"
so you guys buy me an Apple product.
andddd again, i thank you for that.

and what really happened on this february is...
you guys buy me a Canon product for letting me in in Photography class.
you guys just take your belt tighter and buy me a Camera.
you guys just surprising me with that.

i know im annoying.
im childish
im grumpy.
im evil
im mad
im not so smart.

but i also know that you will always there. supporting me. keeping me closer.
and.. i also thank you for that..

is it cheesy if i say i love you on blog?
no matter, because, I love you, i do..really really do.

love, much Regards,


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